The document specified here will be used by both parties as the basis for the referral of patients and the justification/ authorisation of dental OPG & CBCT examinations:
Evidence of training meeting the requirements of the PHE/BSDMFR Core Curriculum in Dental CBCT must be provided.
We, the undersigned agree: (1) to use the referral criteria above (2) that evidence of adequate training has been provided for each of the people named above appropriate to their IRMER17 roles (3) that adequate information will accompany each referred patient to allow the justification process to proceed, as set out in the standard imaging referral form attached. Combe Road Dental is not responsible for the content, accuracy, interpretation, or any other aspect of this CBCT report. If a report has been requested, it will be outsourced to a third company party and all questions regarding its contents should be directed to them.
* The ‘Legal Person’ is the person/body corporate that takes legal responsibility for implementing the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 and the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 within the practice.
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