Root Canal Treatment

Creating Beautiful Smiles

Root Canal Treatment


Although your teeth are made of hard tooth structure, there is canal in the centre of all your teeth which contains blood vessels and nerves. This is known as the root canal or canal space. Sometimes this space can become infected or inflamed due to deep tooth decay or trauma which can result in toothache or even a dental abscess.
When this happens, a procedure known as a root canal treatment can be carried out to remove the inflamed tissues from the centre of the tooth thereby relieving the pain and allowing you to keep your tooth.

What happens during a root canal appointment?

Despite what people think when they hear the words “root canal”. The procedure is painless. Its just like having a filling but the appointment is usually a bit longer.
One of our skilled dentists will gently deliver an aneasthetic to ensure that you don’t feel any pain. We will then locate the canals in the centre of your tooth with the aim to remove the inflamed tissues and clean and sterilise the canals. The resultant canal space is then sealed with a special resin and the tooth is restored.
If the cavity is small we might recommend a filling but in many cases we will recommend a crown. The reason being is that root canal treated teeth are weaker and more prone to fracture but this can be mitigated against by placing a crown on the tooth.

Frequently Asked Questions

You are completely numb when you have a root canal treatment so the process should be painless. It is quite common to have a little discomfort for a week after. Pain relief could involve taking paracetamol (dependent on your medical history).

The main advantage of root canal treatment is that you get to keep your own tooth rather than have it extracted.

Patients can be anxious about the prospect of having root canal treatment carried out but the majority are very surprised at how straight forward and painless root canal treatment can be.

Still Have A Question?

Contact us at Combe Road Dental on 01275 817781 to find out more about any of our treatments or book a consultation with one of our experienced clinicians.

Opening Hours

Please note we are closed for lunch between 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Monday-Friday.
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