We always start with a consultation appointment. This is an informal chat for us to understand a bit about what you would like to achieve from treatment and ensure suitability.
Usually the first few days when you first start wearing Invisalign you can get a mild discomfort – almost like a bruising feeling. Once your teeth get used to the movement (just like if your muscles are getting used to going to the gym) then the discomfort ceases.
You can get mild ulceration of your mouth when you are new to the trays.
Usually No. Some people suffer from a lisp for an hour or so when the Invisalign trays are placed in. They very quickly lose this, sometimes its lasts for a day or two. It would be very rare for this lisp to stay during the entire treatment!
This really depends on how severe your misalignment is. Braces can be on for anything from just a few months to a few years.
At Combe Road Dental, we carry out Cosmetic Orthodontics for people over 18 years old. Child orthodontics is usually managed by a Specialist Orthodontist and we can refer your child for Specialist treatment is required